Jiří Zemánek
e-mail: jiri.zemanek at cba.mit.edu
I am a visiting Fulbright scientist / postdoc in the Center for Bits and Atoms.
My dissertation at the Czech Technical University in Prague was focused on Distributed manipulation by controlling force fields through arrays of actuators
Magman - parallel manipulation
Parallel manipulation using dielectrophoresis
Ferrofluid and Magman
Magnetic manipulator Magman and Matlab
Ball and Hoop - motivation for numerical optimal control
Flying Ball in the Hoop - Control Using Matlab Simulink and Raspberry Pi
Christmas Ballance – stroboscopically animated Christmas ornaments
Egg Clock
Eggstatic 2 – laser drawing stroboscopic patterns on an egg covered in photochromic paint
Eggstatic – stroboscopic patterns for Easter eggs (EggBot)